Thursday, March 31, 2011

"It's not going to be easy, it's going to be real hard. But I am willing to do that, because I want you. I want all of you, forever you & me."
-Noah, The Notebook

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

All Black Everything-Lupe Fiasco

Down the rabbit hole

"I said its outside let me go swimming in your eyes
We been running for awhile, why don't you lay down and I'll make you smile
I could never ask for nothing better than this
Its just tequila and the beach, it's salty when we kiss"

I am in a deep hole of emotions for you & I can't help but smile.
You are what I needed & always wanted.

In case you were wondering.

We hold onto the things that hurt the most because at one point they made us happy.
But you did nothing but pull me back into a person I never wanted to be.
I love who I am now & would never want to be the person I would have been with you.

But thank you.
Thank you for breaking me so I can be who I am today.
Without those tears and days of saying "fuck you" to the world, I really wouldn't be as strong.
Strong enough to walk away from something that frankly was never good for me.

I hope one day you realize all You have done & remember you lost a good thing.
But most of all I hope you realize you did me a favor.

So thank you.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sometimes you just have to say "Fuck You"
& remember You are probably better off anyways.
Don't let the bitterness take away your sweetness.
We all got baggage you just have to remember how much weight you really want to carry with you on this adventure we call life.
So fuck the people who say you can't and the people who say you can.
Live life how you'd want to remember it.